Jeffrey A. Knight, PhD
Jeffrey A. Knight, PhD

Principal Investigator
Behavioral Science Division
See staff directory for contact information.
Academic Appointment
- Boston University School of Medicine, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
- University of Mississippi Medical School/Jackson VA Consortium, Predoctoral Internship, 1984
- West Virginia University, Clinical Psychology, Ph.D., 1984
- University of Wisconsin, Psychology, BS, 1976
Expertise and Interests
- Neuropsychological assessment of PTSD and TBI
- Instrument development related to trauma and psychopathology
- Photomedicine approaches to treating PTSD and TBI
- Risk and resilience factors in PTSD
- Application of mobile technology to measure psychological outcomes
Membership in Professional Societies
- American Psychological Association
- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
- International Society for Neuropsychology
- National Academy of Neuropsychology
Selected Publications
Naeser, M., Martin, P.I., Ho, M.D., Krengel, M.H., Knight, J.A., Bogdanov, Y., Fedoruk, A., Hamblin, M.R. and Koo, B.B. (2019). Transcranial, red/near-infrared light emitting diode therapy for chronic traumatic brain injury and poststroke aphasia: clinical studies. In M.R. Hamblin & Y.Y. Huang (Eds.), Photobiomodulation in the Brain: Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy in Neurology and Neuroscience. pp. 309-326. London, United Kingdom: Academic Press/ Elsevier
Pennington, M.L., Carpenter, T.P., Synett, S.J., Torres, V.A., Teague, J., Morissette, S.B., Knight, J.A., Kamholz, B.W., Keane, T.M., Zimering, R.T. & Gulliver, S.B.. (2018 ).. The Influence of Exposure to Natural Disasters on Depression and PTSD among Firefighters. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 33, 1, 102-108. PMID: 29223176
Naeser, M.A., Martin, P.I., Ho, M.D., Krengel, M.H., Bogdanov, Y., Knight, J.A., Yee, M.K., Zafonte, R.O., Frazier, J.A., Hamblin, M.R.,. & Koo, B.B. (2016). Transcranial, Red/Near-Infrared Light-Emitting Diode Therapy to Improve Cognition in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. 34, 12, 610-626. DOI: 10.1089/pho.2015.4037.
Bernstein, R. E., Delker, B. C., Knight, J. A., & Freyd, J. J. (2015) Hypervigilance in college students: Associations with betrayal and dissociation and psychometric properties in a Brief Hypervigilance Scale. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, & Policy, 7, 448-455. doi: 10.1037/tra0000070.
Naeser, M., Zafonte, R.O., Krengel, M.H., Martin, P.I., Frazier, J.A., Hamblin, M.R., Knight, J.A. & Baker, E. (2014). Significant improvements on cognitive performance post- transcranial, red/near-infrared LED treatments in chronic, mild TBI: Open-protocol study. Journal of Neurotrauma, PMID: 24568233
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