Jeane Bosch, PhD, MPH
Jeane Bosch, PhD, MPH

Clinical Psychologist
Dissemination and Training Division
See staff directory for contact information.
- VA San Diego Healthcare System, Advanced Research Fellow in Women's Health, 2017-2019
- VA San Diego Healthcare System/UC San Diego Psychology Internship Program, 2016-2017
- Saint Louis University, Clinical Psychology, PhD, 2017
- San Francisco State University, MPH, 2009
Expertise and Interests
- mHealth
- Women Veterans
- Trauma and Health
Membership in Professional Societies
- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
- American Psychological Association
Selected Publications
Bosch, J., Mackintosh, M.., Wells, S.Y., Wickramasinghe, I., Glassman, L.H. & Morland, L. (2020). PTSD treatment response and quality of life in women with childhood abuse histories. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy (12)1, 55-63.
Bosch, J., Weaver, T.L., Arnold, L.D. (2019). Adverse childhood experiences and oral health: findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0886260519883872
Katon, J.G., Zephyrin, L., Meoli, A., Hulugalle, A., Bosch, J., Callegari, L., et al. (2018). Reproductive health of women Veterans: a systematic review of the literature from 2008 to 2017. Seminars in Reproductive Medicine, 36, 315-322.
Bosch, J., Weaver, T.L., Arnold, L. & Clark, E. (2017). Impact of intimate partner violence on women's health: findings from the Missouri Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32(22), 3402-3419
Maguen, S., Cohen, B., Ren, L., Bosch, J., Kimerling, R. & Seal, K. (2012). Gender differences in military sexual trauma and mental health diagnoses among Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Women's Health Issues, 22, e61-e66.
Members of the press interested in scheduling an interview please see the contact for the media page.