Erica Scioli, PhD
Erica Scioli, PhD

Clinical Research Psychologist
Women's Health Sciences Division
See staff directory for contact information.
Academic Appointment
- Boston University School of Medicine, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
- VA Boston Healthcare System, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Clinical Psychology Research, 2007-2009
- VA Connecticut Healthcare System, Predoctoral Internship, Clinical Psychology; Health Specialty, 2006-2007
- University of Rhode Island, Clinical Psychology; Health Specialty, PhD, 2007
- University of Rhode Island, Clinical Psychology; Health Specialty, MA, 2003
- University of Rhode Island, psychology, BA, 1998
Expertise and Interests
- Intersection of Physical and Mental Health
- Chronic Pain and PTSD
- Health Behavior Change among Clinical Populations
Membership in Professional Societies
- International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies
- American Psychological Association
- Society of Behavioral Medicine
Selected Publications
Scioli , E. R., Otis, J. D. & Keane, T. M. (2010) Psychological problems associated with Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Deployment. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 4(4), 349-359.
Rasmusson, A. M., Schnurr, P. P., Scioli, E. R. & Forman, D .F. (2010) Adaptation to extreme stress: PTSD, Neuropeptide Y and metabolic syndrome. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 235: 1150-1162.
Scioli-Salter, E. R. , Sillice, M. A., Mitchell, K. S., Rasmusson, A. M., Allsup, K., Biller, H. B. & Rossi, J. S. (2014) Predictors of long-term exercise maintenance among college aged adults: Role of Body Image Anxiety. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 12(1), 27-39.
Scioli-Salter, E. R., Forman, D. E., Otis, J. D., Gregor, K., Valovski, I. & Rasmusson, A.M. (2015) The shared neuroanatomy and neurobiology of comorbid chronic pain and PTSD: Therapeutic implications. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(4), 363-74.
Higgins D.M., Scioli-Salter E., Martin A., Kerns R.D. (2015). Psychological treatment for nerve injuries. In: RS Tubbs, E Rizk, M Shoja, M Loukas, RJ Spinner, eds. Nerves and Nerve Injuries. Vol. 2, 805-820. Elsevier.
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