PTSD: National Center for PTSD
COVID-19 Exposure Scale
COVID-19 Exposure Scale
The COVID-19 Exposure Scale is a 28-item self-report measure designed to assess potentially traumatic exposures related to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Administration and Scoring
This scale is designed to be used in research and it was created to assess types of potentially traumatic exposure research participants may have had in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 Exposure Scale should take 10-15 minutes to complete. This scale is not designed to replace a structured clinician Criterion A assessment and has not yet been validated.
This scale can be scored cumulatively (e.g., summing the number of "Yes" responses, range: 0-28), or individual items can be used independently to characterize specific types of exposure to COVID-19 stressors.
Sample Item
- Item: I became sick with COVID-19, but symptoms were not severe
- Response: YES or NO
National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD) COVID-19 Workgroup. (2021). COVID-19 Exposure Scale. (2021). [Unpublished measure]. Available from
To Obtain Scale
This measure was created by the COVID-19 Workgroup at VA's National Center for PTSD. Please contact with questions or requests.
Download the COVID-19 Exposure Scale:
- COVID-19 Exposure Scale (PDF)
Are you using this measure with U.S. Veterans or Service members?

Our PTSD Consultation Program can answer administration or scoring questions: or 866-948-7880.
Measure availability: We provide information on a variety of measures assessing trauma and PTSD. These measures are intended for use by qualified mental health professionals and researchers. Measures authored by National Center staff are available as direct downloads or by request. Measures developed outside of the National Center can be requested via contact information available on the information page for the specific measure.