Candice Monson, PhD
Continuing Education
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Candice Monson, PhD
National Center for PTSD, Ryerson University, Toronto
Dr. Candice M. Monson is Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of Clinical Training at Ryerson University. She is also an affiliate of the Women's Health Sciences Division of the VA National Center for PTSD.
She completed her doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Nebraska, and a post-doctoral fellowship in forensic psychology at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Schools of Medicine and Law.
Her primary research focus is on the development and testing of treatments for PTSD. She recently completed a grant-funded trial of Cognitive Processing Therapy for military-related PTSD, and is currently conducting a funded project to further develop Cognitive-Behavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD. In addition to her treatment outcome efforts, Dr. Monson investigates gender differences in the perpetration of interpersonal violence and its consequences.