Avron Spiro, PhD
Avron Spiro, PhD

Affiliated Investigator
Behavioral Science Division
See staff directory for contact information.
Academic Appointment
- Boston University School of Public Health, Research Professor of Epidemiology
- Boston University School of Medicine, Research Professor of Psychiatry
- Henry Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Associate Professor of Health Policy and Health Services Research
- The Pennsylvania State University, Human Development and Family Studies, PhD, 1982
- The Pennsylvania State University, MS, 1978
- Emory University, Psychology, BA, 1973
Expertise and Interests
- Long-term effects of military service on health and well-being
- Trauma and PTSD in aging Veterans
- Design, conduct, and analysis of longitudinal studies
Membership in Professional Societies
- American Psychological Association (Fellow)
- Gerontological Society of America (Fellow)
- Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research
Awards and Honors
- Senior Research Career Scientist, VA CSR&D, 2013 - 2020
- Research Career Scientist Award, VA CSR&D, 2008 - 2013
- Adolph Kammer Merit in Authorship Award from the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2005
Selected Publications
Spiro, A. III, Settersten, R.A. Jr., & Aldwin, C.M. (Eds.), (2018). Long-term Outcomes of Military Service: The Health and Well-being of Aging Veterans. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Spiro, A. III, Settersten, R.A., & Aldwin, C.M. (2016). Long-term outcomes of military service in aging and the life course: A positive re-envisioning. The Gerontologist, 56(1), 5-13. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnv093
Davison, E.H., Pless Kaiser, A., Spiro, A. III, Moye, J., King, L.A., & King, D.W. (2016). From late-onset stress symptomatology (LOSS) to later-adulthood trauma reengagement (LATR) in aging combat veterans: Taking a broader view. The Gerontologist, 56(1), 14-21. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnv097
King, D.W., King, L.A., Park, C.L., Lee, L.O., Pless Kaiser, A., Spiro, A. III, Moore, J.L., Kaloupek, D.G., & Keane, T.M. (2015) Positive adjustment among American repatriated prisoners of the Vietnam war: Modeling the long-term effects of captivity. Clinical Psychological Science, 3(6), 861-876.
Schnurr, P. P., Spiro, A. III, Vielhauer, M. J., Findler, M., & Hamblen, J.L. (2002). Trauma in the lives of older men: Findings from the Normative Aging Study. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 8, 175-87
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