PTSD: National Center for PTSD
Unit Social Support Scale
Unit Social Support Scale
Scale in the Deployment Risk and Resilience Inventory-2
DRRI-2 Section: J
Survey Label: "Unit Support"
Measures extent to which an individual perceived assistance and encouragement in the war zone from fellow unit members (i.e., felt a sense of closeness and camaraderie with peers in the unit) and unit leaders (i.e., felt appreciated by superiors and believed that they were interested in one's personal welfare).
Sample Item
- Item: My fellow unit members appreciated my efforts.
- Response: 5-point Likert (1 = "Strongly disagree" to 5 = "Strongly agree")
To Obtain Scale
This measure was created by staff at VA's National Center for PTSD.
Download the Deployment Risk and Resilience Inventory-2:
- DRRI-2 Scales (PDF)
- DRRI-2 Manual (PDF)
Are you using this measure with U.S. Veterans or Service members?

Our PTSD Consultation Program can answer administration or scoring questions: or 866-948-7880.
Measure availability: We provide information on a variety of measures assessing trauma and PTSD. These measures are intended for use by qualified mental health professionals and researchers. Measures authored by National Center staff are available as direct downloads or by request. Measures developed outside of the National Center can be requested via contact information available on the information page for the specific measure.