PTSD: National Center for PTSD
Trauma Assessment for Adults - Self-report (TAA)
Trauma Assessment for Adults - Self-report (TAA)
The 17-item self-report Trauma Assessment for Adults (TAA) examines different types of stressful life events. It assesses 14 life events such as combat exposure during military service, physical or sexual assault, surviving a serious car accident, and others stressful events using a yes/no format. Each life event endorsed asks about presence of injury ("yes" or "no"), perception of danger ("yes" or "no"), and ages when it happened (first and last time). The TAA is appropriate for clinical or research purposes.
Sample Item
- Have you served in the military in a war zone, or had military combat experience?
Resnick, H. S., Falsetti, S. A., Kilpatrick, D. G., & Freedy, J. R. (1996). Assessment of rape and other civilian trauma-related post-traumatic stress disorder: Emphasis on assessment of potentially traumatic events. In T. W. Miller (Ed.), Stressful life events (pp. 231-266). Madison: International Universities Press.
Additional Reviews
Orsillo (2001) (PDF) p. 301.
Orsillo, Susan M. (2001). Measures for acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. In M.M. Antony & S.M. Orsillo (Eds.), Practitioner's guide to empirically based measures of anxiety (pp. 255-307). New York: KluwerAcademic/Plenum. PTSDpubs ID 24368
To Obtain Scale
Heidi Resnick, PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center
171 Ashely Ave.
Charleston, SC 29425-0742
Measure availability: We provide information on a variety of measures assessing trauma and PTSD. These measures are intended for use by qualified mental health professionals and researchers. Measures authored by National Center staff are available as direct downloads or by request. Measures developed outside of the National Center can be requested via contact information available on the information page for the specific measure.