Provider Videos
Provider Videos
The following two educational videos on PTSD are for Mental Health Care Providers and other Health Care Providers.

Whiteboard Video

Watch Prescribing for PTSD: Know Your Options, a short animated video for Providers that explains PTSD screening and effective treatment options.
For Staff in Heath Care Settings
PTSD Awareness in Health Care Settings
This 15-minute video for medical center staff shows how patients' PTSD symptoms may come into play in health care settings. Presenting the experiences of three Veterans in a busy VA hospital, the video can help employees - especially non-clinical staff - better understand and respond to behavior that may be related to PTSD.
Facilitator's guide for PTSD Awareness in Health Care Settings
The facilitator's guide provides suggestions for how managers and trainers can use "PTSD Awareness in Health Care Settings" as part of employee training sessions. While the video is in a VA clinic, it is applicable to all health care settings.
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