Disaster Events
“[On] 9/11, I was living in Secaucus, New Jersey, and I saw the towers go down.”
Elizabeth Hardy
U.S. Army, 1983-2004
Disaster Events
Disaster events include different types of traumatic events. The most common disasters are natural, like hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, or tsunamis; disasters can also be man-made. Mass violence refers to any traumatic event that affects many people. Terrorism--like bombings, shootings, or other violent acts--are types of mass violence. Public health emergencies, like a disease outbreak (or pandemic), chemical spill, or radiation event, are also disasters.
These events affect individuals and communities and can lead to loss, injury, grief, fear, and a need for support. At the same time, such events can bring people together and build resilience.
Please visit our Disaster Events section to learn about the mental health effects of such events and to access resources to help you and your community.
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