PTSD: National Center for PTSD
Tech into Care: Mobile Mental Health Lecture Series
Tech into Care: Lecture Series

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PTSD and Alcohol Use: What Ecological Momentary Assessment Can Tell Us
Jeffrey S. Simons, PhD
Presenter Affiliations:
Professor, Department of Psychology, The University of South Dakota
March 12, 2025
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About the Bimonthly Lecture Series
The Tech into Care CE Lecture Series features a different speaker and technology-related topic every other month. These live webinars are open to all (VA and non-VA) health care staff, researchers, and anyone who is interested in the use of technology (e.g., mobile apps, online interventions, and telehealth) to support treatment for Veterans with PTSD and related concerns (e.g., anger, substance use, and insomnia).
Those who pre-register and participate in the live lectures can earn one hour of free continuing education credit. CE/CMEs available: ACCME, ACCME-NP, ANCC, APA, ASWB, NBCC, NYSED.
For VA employees only: ASHA and CDR credit may also be available. Please email the team to confirm.
Upcoming Lectures
Lectures take place on the second Wednesday of every other month at 9-10am PST | 12-1pm EST
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May 2025Introducing WellWithin Coach: A New App for Women Veterans
Adrienne Heinz, PhD
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Previous Lectures
Continuing education credit is only available for participating in live lectures. If you are interested in CEs, please register for the next lecture using the links above. We offer additional courses for credit, that can be taken at any time, in the Continuing Education section.
Digital Interventions and Healing from Trauma in American Indian and Alaska Native Veteran Populations
Kristen Frosio, PhD; Charlotte McCloskey, PhD; Cynthia Goss, MA and Jay Shore, MD, MPH
January 8, 2025: Recording
The National Center for PTSD Model for Digital Mental Health
Jason Owen, PhD, MPH
November 13, 2024: Recording
The New Concussion Coach App: Self-Management of TBI and PTSD Symptoms
Adrienne Heinz PhD, Micaela Cornis-Pop PhD and Joel Scholten MD
September 11, 2024: Recording
Digital Interventions for Trauma in LGBTQ+ Veterans: The Importance of Cultural Adaptations
Eve Rosenfeld, PhD
August 14, 2024: Recording
Less Pain, More Life: Introducing the New Pain Coach App
Jennifer L Murphy PhD and Kathrine Taylor PsyD MPH
July 10, 2024: Recording
Veteran Training: Self-Help for Veterans
Michele Keller, LPMHC, LAC
June 12, 2024: Recording
Applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in PTSD Treatment
Philip Held, PhD
May 8, 2024: Recording
Can Wearables and Nearables Help Us Understand Whether Service Dogs-in-Training Help Veterans with PTSD?
Steven Woodward, PhD
March 13, 2024: Recording
Development and Preliminary Results of an App-Based Intervention for Anger and PTSD
Kirsten Dillon, PhD
February 14, 2024: Recording
AI and PTSD: Applications of Large Language Models to Assessment and Treatment
Elizabeth Stade, PhD
January 10, 2024: Recording
VA's Newest App: Safety Plan for Suicide Prevention
Katherine Taylor, PsyD, MPH & Colleen Becket-Davenport, PsyD
December 13, 2023: Recording
Recent Research Findings on Digital Exposure-Based Interventions for PTSD
by Carmen McLean, PhD
October 11, 2023: Recording
Ways to Use (and Not Use) Mobile Devices to Assist PTSD Treatment: From Doomscrolling to Gaming
by Matthew Price, PhD
September 13, 2023: Recording
Sleep and PTSD: Using Wearables to Examine Symptoms and Mechanisms
by Laura Straus, PhD
August 9, 2023: Recording
Remotely Delivering a Complementary Self-Directed Intervention for Veterans and Their Partners to Improve Veteran Pain, PTSD, and Relationship Outcomes
by Jolie N. Haun, PhD, EdS, LMT
July 12, 2023: Recording
Leveraging Technology to Target PTSD and Moral Injury With Moral Elevation
by Adam McGuire, PhD
June 14, 2023: Recording
Technology-based Couples' Therapy for PTSD
by Kayla Knopp, PhD
May 10, 2023: Recording
Informed Decision Making for App Selection: Research, Regulation and Real World Approaches
by John Torous, MD, MBI
April 12, 2023: Recording Not Available
Sleep Wearables and Digital Tools: State of the Science and Practical Uses in PTSD Care
Katherine Miller, PhD
March 8, 2023: Recording
From Clicks to Change: Effective Engagement in Mobile Apps for PTSD and Other Mental Health Conditions
Joseph Wielgosz, PhD
February 8, 2023: Recording
PTSD Coach "in the Wild": Findings and Lessons Learned from Public Use Data
Haijing Hallenbeck, PhD
January 11, 2023: Recording
Clinical Virtual Reality: A Brief Review of the Future
by Greg Reger, PhD, and Albert "Skip" Rizzo, PhD
December 14, 2022: Recording
Using Human-Supported Mental Health App Interventions with Older Adults
Christine Gould, PhD, & Ana Jessica Alfaro, PsyD
November 9, 2022: Recording
Working with Problematic Anger: Technologies, Tools and Tips
Margaret-Anne Mackintosh, PhD
October 12, 2022 Recording
Impact of VA's Telehealth Tablets on Rural Veterans' Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Kritee Gujral, PhD
September 14, 2022: Recording
INSIGHT and Evidence: How Mobile Applications Increase Quality of Care for Complex Patients
Jonathan Sills, PhD and James Mazzone, PhD
August 10, 2022: Recording
Ethics and Digital Mental Health
Colleen Becket-Davenport, PsyD
June 8, 2022: Recording
Intro to Digital Mental Health and Digital Psychiatry
Steven Chan, MD, MBA
July 13, 2022: Recording
The Importance of Video Visits for Mental Health Treatment
Jan Lindsay, PhD
May 11, 2022: Recording
The Beyond MST mobile app: Strategies and lessons learned for supporting Military Sexual Trauma Survivors
Amy Street, PhD & Chris Skidmore, PhD
April 13, 2022: Recording
COVID Coach in research and practice
Annabel Prins, PhD & Amanda E. Wood, PhD
March 9, 2022: Recording
AboutFace: A multi-media tool for engaging Veterans in PTSD treatment
Vicky Bippart, BA, Elissa McCarthy, PhD & Jessica Hamblen, PhD
February 9, 2022: Recording
Evaluating mental health apps: Lessons learned from 7 years of One Mind PsyberGuide by Stephen Schueller, PhD
January 12, 2022: Recording
Health Mindfulness for Caregivers of Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment
Elissa Kozlov, PhD
December 8, 2021: Recording
How digital therapeutics are redefining mental health care: The evolving role of clinicians
Ken Weingardt, PhD
November 14, 2021: Recording
The potential of Massive Open Online Interventions (MOOCs) and digital apothecaries
Ricardo F. Muñoz, PhD
October 13, 2021: Recording
Use of mobile technology to disseminate tobacco cessation treatment: Addressing unmet needs
Ellen Herbst, MD
September 8, 2021: Recording
Expanding the reach of VA mobile mental health apps
by Pearl McGee-Vincent, PsyD
August 11, 2021: Recording
Bottom line ethics for digital health
by David Teachout, LMHC, MA, MS, & Michael Drane, MA, NCC
July 14, 2021: Recording
PTSD Consultation Program
Sonya Norman, PhD
June 9, 2021: Recording
Being culturally responsive in selecting digital health technology by David Teachout, LMHC, MA, MS, & Michael Drane, MA, NCC
May 12, 2021: Recording
Introducing the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5) Training Simulator
Cybele Merrick, MA, MS and Michelle Bovin, PhD
April 14, 2021:Recording
Mindfulness at home: Exploring outcomes of the Internet Mindfulness Meditation Intervention and the iMINDr smartphone app
Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR
March 10, 2021: Recording
webSTAIR: Expanding reach and increasing functioning with online skill building
Julianna Hogan, PhD, & Michele Keller, LPMHC, LAC
February 10, 2021: Recording
COVID Coach: Digital strategies for addressing the mental health impacts of COVID-19
Beth Jaworski, PhD
January 22, 2021: No recording available
Beyond MST: Development of a smartphone app for Veterans who experienced Military Sexual Trauma
Amy Street, PhD, & Chris Skidmore, PhD
January 13, 2021: Recording
Evolution of the Cancer Distress Coach app to manage PTSD symptoms in cancer survivors
Sophia Smith, PhD
December 09, 2020: Recording
Closing the gate: Using VA mobile mental health apps to manage pain
Colleen Becket-Davenport, PsyD
October 14, 2020: Recording
Couples Coach: A new mobile app to address relationship challenges in Veterans
Jason Owen, PhD, MPH
September 9, 2020: Recording
Foot in the door: Mental health apps, Whole Health, and Primary Care
Timothy Avery, PsyD
August 12, 2020: Recording
Incorporating Mobile Mental Health Apps into Spiritual Care
Chaplain Paul Dordal, DMin, BCC-MH and Tiffany Chhuom, LSWAIC, SUDPT, MPH, MSW,
July 8, 2020: Recording
Digital Safety Planning with PTSD Coach
Pearl McGee-Vincent, PsyD
June 10, 2020: Recording
Virtual Hope Box: Considerations for Use in Practice
Kelly Blasko, PhD
May 13, 2020: Recording
Using Mobile Mental Health Apps in Audiology
Tara Zaugg, AuD, CCC-A
April 8, 2020: Recording
An Innovative Alcohol Intervention for Veterans in Primary Care: Integrating Mobile-Based Applications with Peer Support
Daniel Blonigen, PhD
March 11, 2020: Recording
Informed and Shared Decision Making around Smartphone Apps for Clinical Care
John Torous, MD, MBI
February 12, 2020: Recording
Using Technology Applications in Group Therapy
Amanda Edwards-Stewart, PhD, ABPP
January 8, 2020: Recording
Sleep mobile apps, wearables, and non-wearables: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Steve Woodward, PhD
December 11, 2019
Mobile Mental Health Apps for Non-Mental Health Providers
Jeane Bosch, PhD, MPH
November 13, 2019
Max Impact: A mobile TBI assistant for Veterans and their caregivers
Dan Overton, MC, LMHC, MHP, CBIS
October 9, 2019
webSTAIR: A Skills-Based Web Program with Coaching Support Targeting MST in Rural Veterans
Kile Ortigo, PhD and Marylene Cloitre, PhD
September 11, 2019
PTSD Coach Online
Elissa McCarthy, PhD
August 14, 2019
The Use of PE Coach to Support Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD
Greg Reger, PhD
July 10, 2019
Geri-Mobile Health: Connecting Older Veterans with VA Mobile
Christine Gould, PhD and Erin Sakai, PhD
June 19, 2019
VetChange: A Web-Based Program for Problem Alcohol Use and PTSD Symptoms
Deborah Brief, PhD
May 8, 2019
PTSD Coach in Primary Care
Eric Kuhn, PhD and Kyle Possemato, PhD
April 10, 2019
Racial and ethnic disparities in telemental health usage among Veterans
Jean Kim, PhD and Russell McCann, PhD
March 13, 2019
Optimizing family involvement in PTSD care: An integrative technology approach to home-based Conjoint Therapy for PTSD
Leslie Morland, PsyD
February 13, 2019
Veterans' attitudes toward mental health apps: Qualitative study of rurality and age differences
Samantha Connolly, PhD
January 9, 2019
Integrating DoD and VA mobile apps into evidence-based treatments for depression
Christina Armstrong, PhD
December 12, 2018
Path to Better Sleep: An online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia program for Veterans
Carolyn J. Greene, PhD
November 14, 2018
Mobile apps from the National Center for PTSD: Where we've been, where we are, and where we're headed
Jason Owen, PhD, MPH
October 10, 2018