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All Continuing Ed Offerings
Continuing Education
This section brings together free in-depth Continuing Education resources for the Professional community concerned with trauma.
All Continuing Ed Offerings
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- AboutFace: Veteran Video Stories and Their Use in PTSD Treatment
- Addressing PTSD and Moral Injury through PE and CPT
- Addressing Racial Trauma in Military Populations Through Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for PTSD
- Addressing Sleep: A Strategy for Symptom Reduction and Suicide Prevention
- A Precision Medicine Approach to Prazosin for PTSD and Its Comorbidities: An Update
- Assessing and Reducing Violence Risk in Veterans with PTSD
- Assessment and Treatment of PTSD in Individuals with Co-occurring Psychotic Disorders
- Bridging the Gap: Using VA Mental Health Apps to Support Treatment for PTSD
- Clinical Practice Guideline for PTSD 2023: Complimentary, Integrative and Alternative Approaches
- Clinical Practice Guideline for PTSD 2023: Medication & Other Biological Treatments
- Clinical Practice Guideline for PTSD 2023: Psychotherapy Recommendations
- Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5) Clinician Training
- Cognitive-Behavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD
- Cognitive Behavioral Nightmare Therapies and PTSD
- Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) 101
- Cultural Considerations for Conducting Trauma-Focused Treatment With Latinx Patients
- Dissociative Subtype of PTSD
- Engaging Patients in PTSD Treatment
- Ethical Considerations in Shared Decision-Making (SDM) for PTSD Treatment
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) to Treat PTSD
- How Do We Make Effective Psychotherapy for PTSD More Effective?
- How Mental Health Providers Can Care for Themselves and Colleagues During COVID-19: An Update
- Introducing PTSD Treatments to Your Patient: Learning from the Patient Perspective
- Legalized Cannabis and PTSD Treatment
- Lethal Means Safety Counseling: Challenges and Considerations for Patients with PTSD
- Massed Delivery of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for PTSD
- MDMA and Psilocybin Therapies for PTSD Treatment: Updates and Future Direction
- Military Culture: Core Competencies for Healthcare Professionals
- MISSION Act Section 133: A Core Training on Military Sexual Trauma (MST) for Community Medical Professionals
- MISSION Act Section 133: A Core Training on Military Sexual Trauma (MST) for Community Mental Health Providers
- MISSION Act Section 133: PTSD Course for Community Providers
- Navigating Complexities When Delivering EMDR Therapy
- PEWeb
- Posttraumatic Stress and Substance Use Disorder Comorbidity
- Practical Applications of Trauma-Focused Psychotherapies
- Practical Assessment of PTSD
- Prescribing for Older Veterans with PTSD
- Prolonged Grief Disorder and Its Treatment
- Prolonged Exposure Therapy: Effective Treatment for PTSD
- Provider Strategies for Coping with Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress
- Providing PTSD Care at End of Life
- Psychological First Aid (PFA) Online Training
- PTSD Assessment: Frequently Asked Questions
- PTSD and Aging
- PTSD and Aging: PTSD in Older Veterans
- PTSD and Dementia
- PTSD and Eating Disorders
- PTSD and Insomnia: Cultural and Clinical Considerations
- PTSD and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- PTSD and Physical Health
- PTSD and Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders: Assessment and Treatment
- PTSD and Suicide: Conceptualization and Assessment
- PTSD Consultation Program Lecture Series
- PTSD: From Neurobiology to Treatment
- PTSD Overview and Treatment
- PTSD Treatment Via Telemental Health Technology
- Shared Decision-Making for PTSD
- Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR)
- Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR)
- Social Support to Reduce Risk of PTSD and Other Negative Outcomes
- State of the Science for Written Exposure Therapy
- Suicide and PTSD: Navigating Risk and Tailoring Evidence-Based Treatment
- Supported Employment for Veterans With PTSD
- The Nuts & Bolts of Providing PTSD Treatment Over a Telehealth Modality: Clinical Considerations
- Therapeutic Risk Management With PTSD Part 1: Suicide Risk Assessment and Stratification
- Therapeutic Risk Management With PTSD Part 2: Chain Analysis and Safety Planning
- Tobacco, Nicotine, and PTSD: Prevalence, Correlates, and Treatment
- Trauma, PTSD and Perinatal Health
- Treating Co-occurring Chronic Pain and PTSD
- Treating PTSD and Suicide Risk: Separating Myth from Fact
- Treating PTSD in Primary Care
- Treating PTSD When Clinicians Have Negative Reactions to Patients' Sociocultural Views
- Treating PTSD When Common Comorbidities Are Present
- Troubleshooting Lack of Improvement in PTSD Treatment
- Understanding the Context of Military Culture in Treating Veterans with PTSD
- Understanding Native American History as a Foundation of Culturally Aware PTSD Treatment
- Using Compensatory Cognitive Training and CogSMART for Veterans With PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury
- Veterans with PTSD and Criminal Legal Involvement: Understanding Intersectional Aspects of Care
- What's the Buzz? New Developments in Prolonged Exposure for PTSD
- Written Exposure Therapy (WET)